Strain and strain rate measurement during the bulge test by electronics speckle pattern interferometry. | Ingeniería UC
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Montay G., François M., Tourneix M., Guelorget B., Vial-Edwards C. and Lira I. (2007)

Strain and strain rate measurement during the bulge test by electronics speckle pattern interferometry.

Revista : Journal of Materials Processing Technology
Volumen : 184
Número : 1-3
Páginas : 428-435
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


This paper presents a new experimental method to measure the strain increment and the strainrate during the bulge of a copper sheet. The electronic specklepatterninterferometry (ESPI) is combined with the bulgetest to measure the field of strain increment. The strainrate is used to detect heterogeneity in the strain distribution.
The main originality of this work is the application of an optical interferometer to determine the field of plastic strain increments and strainrates in the region of the top of the specimen.