Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Verichev K., Salazar-Concha C., Diaz-Lopez C., Carpio M. (2023)

The influence of the urban heat island effect on the energy performance of residential buildings in a city with an oceanic climate during the summer period: Case of Valdivia, Chile

Revista : Sustainable Cities and Society
Volumen : 97
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


The intensification of urban growth and climate change are affecting the energy and thermal performance of buildings. In recent years, the issue of building resilience to urban heat island (UHI) conditions has become increasingly relevant. The energy performance of buildings can vary significantly in different areas of the same city, regardless of their size. The aim of this study was to evaluate the energy effects of UHI intensity differences in various local climate zones (LCZs) of Valdivia city, Chile, on a typical residential dwelling. A simplified methodology was used, based on the assessment of cooling degree days variations and heat gains variations inside the studied house through the thermal envelope. Valdivia has a homogeneous urban morphology, and three types of low-rise LCZs prevail in the city (LCZ 3, 6, and 9). The results showed that the average cooling demand for a 66 m2 residential dwelling during 39 summer days was 158 kWh for LCZ 9, 219 kWh for LCZ 6, and 289 kWh for LCZ 3, compared to the rural demand of 114 kWh. These results suggest that the energy effects of UHI can be significant, and that it is important to study the microclimatic conditions in various LCZs for a correct understanding of the UHI energy effects on different buildings.