Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Vanzi L., Combes F., Rubio M. and Kunth D. (2009)

The molecular gas content of blue dwarf galaxies. A collapsing detached molecular system in He 2-10?. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/200810365

Revista : Astronomy & Astrophysics
Volumen : 496
Número : 3
Páginas : 677-682
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


We present new observations of a sample of blue dwarf galaxies in the lines of CO(3-2) and HCN(4-3). The observations were obtained with the 12 m APEX telescope located at an altitude of 5100 m in Chajnantor (ALMA site). We detected CO(3-2) emission in seven of nine observed galaxies in our sample. In two galaxies, NGC 5253 and He 2-10, we mapped the central 20 arcsec×20 arcsec in the CO(3-2) emission line. In He 2-10, we detected an extended component of molecular gas to the north-east of the main body of the galaxy. Comparing our data with previous HI and CO observations, we speculate that the presence of this detached cloud of molecular gas is produced by the merger already known in He 2-10, and could lead to the formation of a small tidal dwarf galaxy. The HCN(4-3) line was observed in NGC 5253 and He 2-10 only, but not detected.